About us

This is about us

Welcome to ArviaX Academy -MOOC for School V1.0. Our motto is everyone can learn and education is for all. This platform is ready to roll, just need to register and then let's get the ball get rolling!

Let's apply become an voluntary online content contributor for a free online structured learning platform that follow ICGSE syllabus, or any national syallabus namely, MOOC for School. This platform will be free for all learners around the world to learn any subject they want to. We are currently searching for volunteer teachers who would like to be part of the Content Contributor, and some of you will be chosen as ArviaX Academy Ambassador as well.

*Only professional teachers/ educators/ pre- service teacher around the globe will be chosen as Content Contributor in our platform!


--> Free access to MOOC for School platform as a content contributor

--> Gain more visibility for your youtube channel

--> Your content will be more structured and hence make learning easier.

--> Make education is for all

--> Support two Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be aimed in this project:

1. Reduced Inequality

2. Quality Education

*Let's make this together! Share your Youtube teaching content (channel) in a more structured way!

Please fill in the form if you are interested to be volunteer teacher from any place around the world (outside of Malaysia): https://forms.gle/jscRGPJixA2JFwAc7

Please fill in the form if you are interested to be volunteer teacher from Malaysia: https://forms.gle/NpE87czGPoQEDPGW7

Initiative project by Special Interest Group of 'Centre of Digital Transformation in Education and Business'

Website of our Special Interest Group: https://thecodes.com.my/

Project leader

Ts. Dr. Chee Ken Nee (SMIEEE)

Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (Sultan Idris Education University)

Website of our University: https://www.upsi.edu.my/

'From UPSI to Society'

'Education is for all'

'Everyone can learn'

*Version 1.0*